On August 29, 2024, Smart TTC Public Company Limited (STTC) has filed a registration statement and draft prospectus with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in preparation for offering up to 100 million new ordinary shares with a par value of 0.50 baht per share. The company plans to list its shares on the Market for Alternative Investment (Mai), with Yuanta Securities (Thailand) as its financial advisor and underwriter.
The primary purpose of this fund raising is to increase working capital, repay loans, and support business expansion. STTC is focusing on transition from selling electric meters to energy management services, such as electricity data collection in buildings and industrial estates. This service aims to improve accuracy on data collection and reduce labor force for reading energy consumption.

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มอบเครื่องผลิตออกซิเจน 10 ลิตร จำนวน 6 เครื่อง มูลค่า 300,000 บาท ให้กับโรงพยาบาลพระมงกฎเกล้า

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SEC Visits Smart TTC Public Company Limited

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